
Give students new ways to learn.

Create impactful and effective learning solutions with our curriculum services. Designed to align seamlessly with educational content standards, our approach ensures that every lesson caters to the diverse needs of your student body. 


College & Career Preparation

Providing career exploration opportunities and foundational post-secondary skills attainment to students is essential for meeting California College and Career preparation requirements. Skyrocket has unique expertise in this area, offering CTE direct instruction programming, as well as consulting assistance in establishing partnerships with higher education institutions and workforce development programs.

Pathways to high-growth occupations

Skyrocket has designed a robust series of CTE Pathway courses that are highly flexible and affordable, perfect for schools with limited resources. Students are provided all tools and course materials, and earn industry-recognized credentials upon completion where applicable. Current CTE Pathway offerings include:

  • Construction
  • Information Technology
  • Nursing

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Maximize students’ high school experience

Dual enrollment agreements with community colleges are mutually beneficial for both institutions, as well as students and families. Participants can explore areas of study that may lead to a major and get a headstart on earning their college degree.

  • Gentle transition to college studies
  • Increased likelihood of degree attainment
  • Reduced student debt and out-of-pocket family expenses

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act

As experts in WIOA compliance requirements, we offer short-term consulting services for WIOA-partnered schools or schools looking to integrate WIOA programming into their existing curriculum and pedagogies. Available for help with:

  • Program audits and compliance advice
  • PD and staff training
  • Partner recommendations and referrals

Pathways to high-growth occupations

Skyrocket has designed a robust series of CTE Pathway courses that are highly flexible and affordable, perfect for schools with limited resources. Students are provided all tools and course materials, and earn industry-recognized credentials upon completion where applicable. Current CTE Pathway offerings include:


Information Technology


Maximize students’ high school experience

Dual enrollment agreements with community colleges are mutually beneficial for both institutions, as well as students and families. Participants can explore areas of study that may lead to a major and get a headstart on earning their college degree.

Gentle transition to college studies

Increased likelihood of degree attainment

Reduced student debt and out-of-pocket family expenses

Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act

As experts in WIOA compliance requirements, we offer short-term consulting services for WIOA-partnered schools or schools looking to integrate WIOA programming into their existing curriculum and pedagogies. Available for help with:

Program audits and compliance advice

PD and staff training

Partner recommendations and referrals

Curriculum Consulting

A quality curriculum program will align teaching staff and engage students with creative and current content, thereby increasing retention of both staff and students while helping you achieve measurable performance targets.

Indications that it may be time for a curriculum update:

Declining graduation rates or poor standardized test scores

Rising student absenteeism and disconnection

High ratio of administrative work for teachers compared to instructional time with students

Staff frustration or fatigue

Budget imbalances

Curriculum Consulting in 3 Phases

Searching for new curricula doesn’t have to be time-consuming and expensive! Skyrocket is available to help you identify and implement a single or hybrid curriculum program solution that most closely aligns with your school’s goals.

Conduct a comprehensive Needs Assessment including review of current curriculum and performance data.

Deliver product selection recommendations, as well as guidelines for compliance monitoring and KPI measures.

Execute a multi-level implementation plan, including training, ongoing staff support, and program optimization.

School Improvement Plans

Tapping into our extensive expertise in budget management, strategic planning, diverse learner supports, and accountability requirements, we are uniquely positioned to provide substantive guidance during your school improvement planning processes.

Skyrocket's team of experts are available to consult on the following:

School performance data review and analysis

Customization, creation and curation of tools and resources to improve school improvement planning for:

Comprehensive Needs Assessments

Data tracking

Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP)

School Improvement Plans for Student Achievement (SIPSA)

School Site Council best practices and handbooks

State and Federal requirements for Comprehensive Support and Improvement Plans (CSI), LCAP, and SIPSA


Student Programming

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Student Achievement & School Performance Metrics?